SISPAD 2022 will be held September 6-8, 2022 in Granada, Spain. The website is The official website for all SISPAD conferences is

This is the premier conference for semiconductor modeling and simulation. It is held every year around the world. Some of the topics for this years conference include (from the call for papers):

  • Modeling and simulation of all types of semiconductor devices, including FinFETs, GAA FETs, ultra-thin SOI devices, emerging memory devices, new material-based nanodevices, optoelectronic devices, TFTs, sensors, power electronic devices, spintronic devices, tunnel FETs, SETs, organic electronic devices, and bioelectronic devices
  • Modeling and simulation of all sorts of semiconductor processes, including first principles material design, and growth simulation of nano-scale fabrication
  • Fundamental aspects of device modeling and simulation, including quantum transport, thermal transport, fluctuation, noise, and reliability
  • Compact modeling for circuit simulation, including low-power, high frequency, and power electronics applications
  • Process/device/circuit co-simulation in context with system design and verification
  • Equipment, topography, lithography modeling
  • Interconnect modeling, including noise and parasitic effects
  • Numerical methods and algorithms, including grid generation, user-interface, and visualization
  • Metrology for the modeling of semiconductor devices and processes
  • Multiscale approach from First Principles to TCAD simulations
  • Estimation with TCAD and machine learning
  • Neuromorphic devices and quantum computing
  • Multi-physics simulation





